Happy Grooming by Petra Michelle




A SENIOR COUPLE is strolling past the local zoo's Monkey Exhibit. Two monkeys, sitting just behind the fence, are grooming one another.

GLENDA Look, dear. I can almost touch them. (smiling) Aren't they sweet?

HENRY Yes, but not as sweet you, Glenda.

Henry begins to groom Glenda's hair and caresses her neck.

GLENDA Not in public, dear.

A ZOO KEEPER appears with the monkeys' lunch of cottage cheese, raspberries, and bananas.

GLENDA That looks delicious.

HENRY But not as delicious as the cottage cheese, raspberries, and bananas you fed me this morning.

Henry returns to Glenda, grooming her, showering her with affections.

GLENDA (pondering) It really does work.



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