Do You Believe In Fortune Cookies? by Petra Michelle




Reveling the Chinese New Year, four FRIENDS dine at a Chinese restaurant. 

PAUL How long have we kept up this tradition?

SUSAN Since law school, I think.

JOSH I have to come clean. My favorite part of a Chinese dinner are the fortune cookies.

ELAINE (smiling) Mine too, Josh. They're fun.

PAUL I had a few that were pretty right on.

SUSAN C'mon, Paul. Who takes them seriously? They're purely entertaining.

ELAINE Once I had one that said a woman who seeks to be equal to men lacks ambition.

PAUL Ouch!

JOSH How true is this? The greatest danger could be your own stupidity.

SUSAN (laughing) Or He who laughs last is laughing at you.

JOSH (smiling) How about a closed mouth gathers no feet. 

PAUL Whoever thinks up these fortunes should get some kind of literary award.

ELAINE I've got an idea. Since it's Josh's birthday, why don't we give him our fortune cookies. 

As Josh holds Elaine's hand,

JOSH Thank you.

SUSAN Hurry, Josh, what do they say?

He carefully pulls out each fortune and reads them aloud.

JOSH A secret admirer will soon send you a sign of affection.

Elaine grins. Reading the next,

JOSH The one you love is closer than you think.

Paul and Susan glance at Josh and Elaine, affectionately.

PAUL Is the universe trying to tell you something?

ELAINE And the last one?

JOSH One who admires you greatly is hidden before your eyes.

ALL Ooooooooh.

Josh rises, kneels and holds Elaine's hands in his.

JOSH In front of our dear friends, will you marry me, Elaine?

As she bows her head in delight, she notices her fortune cookie.

ELAINE I forgot to give you mine. (eagerly) What does it say?

Josh pulls the fortune and reads,

JOSH Do not marry the man holding your fortune. 

ELAINE (whimpers) What? Why not?

SUSAN For that, you'll need a crystal ball.



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